2022: What You Can Do To Help Your Immune Health
By Dr. Katia Meier My patients have been asking me what to do about the new COVID-19 virus, which is certainly a situation that should be taken seriously. However, don’t panic, prepare! Worrying lowers your immune functions and won’t help you be safe. Here is a little write up of what I am generally recommending […]
Quality, Non-toxic Sun Protection To Make You Look Great

Summer is here and the Colorado sun is mercilessly upon us. However be careful that you are not causing more harm than good when choosing your sun screen. Sun screens often contain harmful chemicals that can be far worse than the sun; disrupt hormones and actually cause cancer! We want you to be protected without […]
Brain Health

Do you sometimes have words at the tip of your tongue but can’t quite spit them out? Do you worry about dementia for yourself or a loved one? Did you know that loss of memory is not inevitable as we get older? Today, millions of Americans suffer from degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s or […]
The Journey to Well-Being

Health is sometimes the most important aspect determining our quality of life…and we miss it once it has gone. ‘Suddenly’ it seems, you find yourself with only half the energy you used to have, memory issues, lack of good sleep and irritability – you are being offered sleeping pills and antidepressants and age is often […]
Vaginoplasty vs. LVR

Vaginal atrophy is a common condition caused by menopause and cancer treatments. Many doctors have moved to laser treatments as an option for women suffering from the effects of the condition which include dryness, urinary incontinence and pain during intercourse. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation (LVR) is an easier option than going to a plastic surgeon for […]
What is Cancer Anyway?
By Dr. Katia Meier Cancer is not some foreign invader; cancer is a malfunction in your normal cell division process of your own cells. These cells exist in our bodies every day. Our healthy immune system destroys them. When, because of lifestyle choices (think food), emotional traumas, or excess toxins the number of these cells […]
Microorganisms and the Modern Diet

Microorganisms live around us, on us, and within us! We have been taught that these tiny bugs are the enemies and should be feared. We live in a world full of hand sanitizer, antibacterial soaps, and pasteurized foods, all in hopes that we do not come in contact with microbes that might cause disease. The […]
Naturopathic Approach to a Healthy Brain & Migraine Headache Prevention and Treatment
By Dr. Katia Meier Migraines and other types of headaches can cause significant productive loss to employers, and are one of the most common complaints seen in the doctor’s office. Migraine attacks often present as visual disturbances, anxiety, fatigue, disturbed thinking, or numbness and tingling of the extremities. Migraine headaches can be caused by nerve […]
Denver Fluoride Decision
By Dr. Katia Meier Denver Water (DW) hosted the first-ever informational panel to discuss the controversial practice of water fluoridation on Wednesday, July 29th. It appeared that much of the science behind water fluoridation was new to the DW board members as they have blindly followed the standard recommendations from the American Dental Association (ADA) […]