Brain Health

Do you sometimes have words at the tip of your tongue but can’t quite spit them out? Do you worry about dementia for yourself or a loved one? Did you know that loss of memory is not inevitable as we get older? Today, millions of Americans suffer from degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s or […]
The Journey to Well-Being

Health is sometimes the most important aspect determining our quality of life…and we miss it once it has gone. ‘Suddenly’ it seems, you find yourself with only half the energy you used to have, memory issues, lack of good sleep and irritability – you are being offered sleeping pills and antidepressants and age is often […]
Denver Fluoride Decision
By Dr. Katia Meier Denver Water (DW) hosted the first-ever informational panel to discuss the controversial practice of water fluoridation on Wednesday, July 29th. It appeared that much of the science behind water fluoridation was new to the DW board members as they have blindly followed the standard recommendations from the American Dental Association (ADA) […]
Vaccines Truths and Myths
By Dr. Katia Meier Unscientific, emotion-laden outbursts and blatant, profit-driven lies blur the lines between vaccine truths and myths in the media. Fortunately, the population is waking up by taking research into their own hands. Many doctors just regurgitate what they’ve been spoon-fed in pharmaceutical-sponsored medical schools. Many doctors and educated people come to learn […]