Bio-Identical Hormones
Dr. Katia Meier has been extensively trained in Bio-Identical Hormones since 2006 and is now an authority in this field for years and her lectures on the subject have inspired other doctors to take on the practice. Dr. Meier has treated hundreds of patients and seen the life-changing results of the right kind of Hormones therapy at work.
Hormone Imbalance or Deficiency
At Clear Sky Medical, we understand the subtle yet significant impact of hormone balance on our overall well-being.
Hormone Health is the cornerstone of Healthy Aging and is crucial for maintaining optimal health. Hormones play a pivotal role in regulating numerous bodily functions, and when these delicate chemical messengers become imbalanced or vanish, a wide array of symptoms and life altering diseases can manifest. Recognizing and addressing this in a timely manner is essential for maintaining and restoring harmony to our bodies and keeping or achieving a state of vibrant health.
Symptoms of hormone imbalance:
- Fatigue
- Weight Gain
- Fertility Issues
- Heavy, Painful Periods
- Acne
- Irritability, Depression, Mood swings, Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Loss of muscle mass, Loss of bone mass, Loss of strength, Increased risk for fractures
- Loss of libido
- Painful Intercourse
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Thinning Hair and Skin
- Joint Pains and Degeneration
- Mental and Memory issues, Increased Risk for Hart disease and dementia
- Accelerated Aging Inside and Out

What are biologically identical hormones?
The Clear Sky Medical Difference
There are significant differences between bio-identical hormones and synthetic hormones, which are not natural to the human body but are regularly prescribed and may pose risks to your health
Bio-Identical hormones have the same molecular chemical structure as hormones made by the human body. They can fully replicate natural human hormones and follow normal metabolic pathways so that essential active metabolites can be formed. Bio-identical hormones are compounded by specially trained pharmacists into lozenges, capsules or creams or come as generics in form of caps tablets and patches or can be administered via pellets. Which form is right for you needs to be evaluated as it depends on your medical history and your age.
Pharmaceutical companies sometimes alter hormones chemically to resemble natural hormones so they can be patented and profitably mass-produced. This chemical alteration makes these kinds of synthetic hormones unable to function like natural human hormones and they are not what the body is familiar with or needs. These foreign substances to our bodies can cause a wide array of health problems and side effects. Discover healthy aging and preserve an active and youthful lifestyle through Bio- Identical Hormone Therapy. Restore normal hormone levels to their youthful levels and reverse many of the symptoms and signs and risks associated with aging.
This specialty is not taught in medical schools or residencies; therefore, doctors need to go through extra training to learn how administer the right kind of therapeutic regimen of Bio-Identical Hormones for your personal needs and benefits. Dr. Meier has extensive training and experience in Bio-Identical Hormones and has used this therapy in her office since 2006 and is an authority in this field.
Headmaster and regulator of all metabolisms, cerebral function, energy and temperature levels. Low thyroid levels cause low energy, feeling cold, weight gain, loss of motivation, depression, and fatigue, an increase in cholesterol, heart disease, thinning hair, skin and nails. There is an optimal range for your thyroid which makes you feel your best which we try to achieve for you.
DHEA, also called ” The Mother of all Hormones” has a beneficial effect on the immune response, sex drive, emotional stability, energy, modulation of stress hormones and is a powerful antioxidant. Health related benefits are support of cognitive function, stress response, protection against heart disease, and has positive effect on lipids and body fat.
Precursor to and necessary building block to DHEA and testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. Helps to improve mental clarity and function.
Increases bone density and formation, increases muscle tone and mass, enhances energy, sex drive, decreases body fat, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Essential for muscle tone, skin smoothness, hair and nail texture, and sex drive! It helps to deter osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease. Estrogen and progesterone balance each other out and work synergistically together to promote optimal health.
Progesterone helps in stimulation of bone growth, healthy heart function and boost mood, healthy sleep pattern and well-being. Studies have shown that natural Progesterone can help prevent breast cancer unlike the synthetic to your body versions, which can increase your risk for breast cancer.
Human Growth Hormone
The most abundant hormone in youth. Promotes health and wellness.
Regulates the circadian rhythm and stages of sleep. Your immune system is stimulated during these periods of deep rest. It was found to be a powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer agent in the 1997 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
How to Get Started
Call to set up an initial consultation and schedule to get your hormone levels tested. After an in-depth lab review with Dr. Meier (2-3 weeks after blood draw), you can discuss what options are best for you and your needs.
We serve both men and women and would love to see you feel youthful, energetic and happy again.
Call to set up your consultation
to see if hormone replacement therapy is right for you.